It is the holiday season and a time to celebrate and give thanks. It is also a time for many of us to indulge in many different food and drinks.

Along with our traditional Thanksgiving feast, Christmas dinner is right around the corner with more parties and feasts, so its a good idea to include some super foods and keep your digestive system in balance with Inner Garden and to get liver support and a good night’s sleep with Rest Easy.

Include some of these holiday super foods.

Cranberries – Readily available this time of year and they are second to blueberries in antioxidant capacity. Cranberries are fully of vitamin C and they contain phytonutrients that prevent pathogens from adhering to internal organs. Make sure to sweeten with organic sugar, honey, or maple syrup.

Sweet Potatoes – Sweet potatoes are very high in beta-carotene and soluble fiber, the kind that creates a gentle intestinal gel and is unlikely to provoke an IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) episode. They qualify as a superfood because they’re nutrient dense.

Walnuts – Top your favorite holiday dishes with walnuts for a healthy dose of Omega-3.

Cinnamon – Add to your favorite holiday drinks and deserts. Cinnamon has demonstrated anti-cancer properties and also helps maintain proper blood sugar levels.

Cacao- One of the best antioxidants you can find and wonderful when added to desserts. The reason it is one of the best antioxidants is because of its high ORAC levels (oxygen radical absorbance capacity). The cocao content should be at least 70% to receive its antioxidant and heart health benefits.

Butternut Squash – It is highly nutritious, rich in phytonutrients, vitamin A, B vitamins, and minerals, especially potassium.

Enjoy your holiday superfoods feast.

Happy Holidays!

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